2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

Happy Chinese New Year!

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon, bringing forth a great deal of directed, action oriented, confident “yang” ☯️ energy.

Dragon years are unique, as they represent the only animal in the Chinese Zodiac that is mythical in nature. All the other animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig are present in our mundane reality. But Dragons are not, so with that, a Dragon year is guaranteed to be unique, unconventional and even epic! Dragon Years symbolize power, good fortune, leadership and strength. It is considered auspicious to have a child born during a Dragon Year bringing forth traits like intelligence, charisma and success.

The element of wood takes this powerful, strong energy and puts an evolved spin on it. Consider the qualities trees embody, which are the source of wood. Trees symbolize pure potential, growth, resilience, patience, subtlety and most specifically collaboration. Trees are interconnected by a network of communication, interdependence and shared sustenance called “mycelium”.

The Year of the Wood Dragon has much to offer in our ability to take action, create boldly and reach previously unaccessed potential. For it to truly fulfill its potential, it must carry an evolved motivation and intention. What can benefit the collective? What bold new actions can be taken to improve society as a whole? Not just you and yours, but you, yours and all concerned.

Intention and motivation are first realized in the mind, before being put into action. With that in mind, perhaps the best way to take full advantage of the potential of the Year of the Wood Dragon, is to first get straight on what motivates us and what are are intentions toward action. If what motivates us is not truly serving our highest benefit, or if our intentions are focused on serving the self only, then a restructuring might benefit before taking action in this highly potent time. Taking time to pay attention to thoughts and words before taking action will make our creations much more intentional and directed this year.

The Buddha’s 4 Tests for Good Speech come to mind with this consideration of motivation and intention in creating in this year of the Wood Dragon. The Buddha taught that there are 4 Tests for Good Speech to consider before speaking: 1) Is it True? 2) Is it Helpful? 3) Is it in Right Timing? 4) Will it Benefit all?

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