2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

Happy Chinese New Year!

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon, bringing forth a great deal of directed, action oriented, confident “yang” ☯️ energy.

Dragon years are unique, as they represent the only animal in the Chinese Zodiac that is mythical in nature. All the other animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig are present in our mundane reality. But Dragons are not, so with that, a Dragon year is guaranteed to be unique, unconventional and even epic! Dragon Years symbolize power, good fortune, leadership and strength. It is considered auspicious to have a child born during a Dragon Year bringing forth traits like intelligence, charisma and success.

The element of wood takes this powerful, strong energy and puts an evolved spin on it. Consider the qualities trees embody, which are the source of wood. Trees symbolize pure potential, growth, resilience, patience, subtlety and most specifically collaboration. Trees are interconnected by a network of communication, interdependence and shared sustenance called “mycelium”.

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Kara LooneyComment
Winter Solstice: Buffalo Medicine

….The buffalo’s medicine is to remember that we benefit from directly facing the storms in our lives. A buffalo is unfazed by harsh weather and strong storms. The buffalo moves directly into the approaching storm, knowing it’s the quickest way through it. The buffalo offers the example of courage, endurance and determination. Facing the challenges that are presented as an invitation and a natural course of evolution. The Buffalo was brought to near extinction as a means through which to disempower and domesticate the native tribes and make them dependant on the government and thus easier to control. As barbaric as that seems, these methods of control are still present in today’s society, although seemingly much more subtle and insidious. We must remain aware and sovereign in our spirit to be able to recognize the ways in which our freedoms and personal power are constantly being challenges and compromised, be it through various forms of propaganda, advertising, or methods of “helpful” modern convenience.

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Kara LooneyComment
Who Wants A Slice of Humble Pie?

A famous quote of Socrates: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”. Many of the advancements we have made in science and technology over the past few hundred years have created a monster of the collective character. If we truly were the masters of the modern age, how is it that we haven’t quite been able to figure out how to move that advancement forward in a way that is complimentary to, and supportive of nature? Now wouldn’t that be masterful!

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Kara LooneyComment
Entertaining Two States of Consciousness

…In the state of consciousness of Spiritual Reality, an awareness and understanding, that in addition to being a person navigating the material world, I am also an ancient soul returning this time as a women in my specific predicament endeavoring to evolve through living experience to educate my consciousness for return to oneness with the creative source. Every experience, challenge and opportunity is an intentional and purposeful opportunity for spiritual education of my inner being. In this state of consciousness, nothing can be destroyed, or killed, only educated, transformed and evolved.

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Kara LooneyComment
The Practical Beauty of Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is a science that dates back many thousands of years. It explores the planets and stars and their effect on human life here on earth. Traditionally, known as Jyotish, a branch of the Vedas, Vedic or Sidereal Astrology assists us in understanding and acquiring mastery of what the Vedic scriptures described as the “four main goals of human life”: Dharma (life’s duty), Artha (acquiring wealth), Kama (worldly enjoyment), and Moksha (spirituality).

According to the Vedic scriptures, the planets and the stars have influence on the environmental, physical, mental, and spiritual status of all beings here on planet earth. Vedic Astrology is the study of how those energies specifically impact Human Beings.

Oftentimes if a technology is old, people mistakenly assume it lacks sophistication and relevance. In the case of Vedic Astrology, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It may seem like a far-fetched, pseudo-scientific concept to endeavor to learn about an individual by studying the alignment of the stars and planets as it pertains to their birth details. But in truth, much information is revealed through it. Don’t lose sight of the fact that world wide, humanity has come to understand and accept the reality that without the Sun there would be no life possible on planet Earth. Also, globally accepted is the Sun's relationship with the Moon and the Moon itself, which sets the balance of the tides and other cycles here on Earth. So why then would it be so far-fetched to consider that Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, for example, wouldn't also have a significant impact on our experience in the living world here on Earth? CONTINUE READING…

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Kara LooneyComment
Purifying the Mind

Through Meditation and Mantra we purify the mind to reveal a more clear and true reality.

There are many deceptions born in the mind as a result of ignorance, trauma, programming and fear. Expanding the awareness through yogic technology, which cultivates self understanding, helps us gain wisdom as it pertains to the true role the mind is intended to play. The mind offers practical and creative support for following divine guidance. It is a servant to the consciousness, not a task master of the desire systems.

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Kara LooneyComment
Living with Integrity

Similar to “love”, "integrity" is a word used often without the application of deeper understanding. Integrity, similar to love, is not only an act, but also a manner of being and a state of consciousness. With both love and integrity it is said that one must first have the experience and quality resonating within themselves before they can extend it outwards and exhibit the behavior toward others.

How do we cultivate this quality within ourselves to enable us to live and act with integrity? First, let’s explore what integrity is.

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Kara LooneyComment
The Healing Science of Crystal Singing Bowls

I remember the first time I went to a sound bath. It was at a mysterious, other-worldly place just outside of Joshua Tree California, called the Integratron. There was a man set up to play 10-15 crystal bowls of varying sizes sitting in this circular, wooden, domed room. I was in the early years of my yoga journey and I was surprised to discover how transformative the experience was for me.

It was as if the sound emitted from the friction applied to these bowls had the ability to move to the deepest levels of my inner physicality, while also enabling me to access more expansive dimensions of awareness into my non-physicality. I was drawn deeper into myself while simultaneously expanding beyond my known limitations of mind. After the 30 minute session, which felt like a lifetime and the blink of an eye at the same time, I sensed that a strong healing recalibration had occurred physically, emotionally, and spiritually within me.

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Kara LooneyComment

The More I study Science, the More I believe in God”. - Albert Einstein

This quote seems unlikely coming from a scientist. Throughout recorded history science has challenged religions dogma and vice, versa. It’s worth remembering that it’s human beings who enmeshed the concepts of God with religion. God is not equal to religion and religion is certainly not equal to God. God is incomprehensible but fully experiential. Religion cannot even come close to capturing that.

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Kara LooneyComment

Hello Yoga Club and 40 Day Meditation family and friends,

I'm writing this message to reach out to you collectively as a "group in consciousness". Many of you are sad, angry, confused, disillusioned, and afraid with regard to the recent Supreme Court Rulings. As you know, politics is certainly not my area of interest, or focus. My area of interest resides in the domain of consciousness, which supersedes politics in its grandiosity, respectability, holism and truth. With a love and respect for consciousness comes the belief in a Divine Right to Life, Liberty (which is founded by agency) and the Pursuit of Happiness. And so I write to you today not as a politically identifying individual, I come to you as a sister and daughter in consciousness…

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Kara LooneyComment
Summer Solstice 2022

This Summer Solstice 2022 is bringing with a great deal of positive energy: knowledge and wisdom gained and opportunities for cleansing and renewal. This Solstice arrives with the Sidereal/Vedic placements of Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Pisces. Two provocative placements for the main luminaries of our consciousness…

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Kara LooneyComment

I became more in tune with this thought provoked tension as I became more practiced in meditation. It is the kind of tension you didn’t even know was there, until it started to lift. I came to realize it’s not the appearance and presence of thoughts that cause tension, its the attachment to the thoughts that causes tension.

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Kara LooneyComment

People are often confused as to what the main differences are between the more culturally familiar Western/Tropical Astrology and traditional Vedic/Sidereal Astrology. There are many differences and some similarities. The most important distinction between the two, in my option is explained below…

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Kara LooneyComment
Lean Lovingly Into Discomfort

All of the major growth opportunities and transformations in my life came from willingly (and sometimes reluctantly) moving into uncomfortable challenges, not from avoiding them. Stepping into unfamiliar territory can be frightening and intimidating. Causing us to question if we are strong enough to endure and make it out alive. The truth is, that we become more alive by stepping into pain and discomfort. They are unavoidable qualities of existence - a divinely intended curriculum for our growth.

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Kara LooneyComment
The Healing Benefits of Kundalini Yoga: Mind, Body & Spirit

To many who have a regular yoga practice, seeking to gain relief from mental health challenges by way of one's practice makes complete sense. However in a culture that often turns toward pills, quick fixes, and celebrity endorsed gimmicks, it seems unlikely to consider that something as simple as adding a regular practice of yoga can bring life-changing transformation to rise above depression, anxiety, disease, and health challenges. It seems too good to be true that something so simple could make such a profound transformation in one’s health and quality of life.

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Kara LooneyComment
The Art of Taking Action

As creative beings it is of natural course that ideas, dreams and desires will make themselves known to us and move through us. Sometimes certain inspirations feel as if they come directly from the core of our being, like they are trying to come alive through us and MUST become realized.

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Kara LooneyComment
The Vibe of 2022

Tantric Numerology dictates that 2022 is a year of 6, which is reflective of growth, vitality, strength, hope and well being. The number 6 aligns with the planet Venus (Sukra). The archetype of Venus focuses on the element of water, the womb of new life, sexuality, beauty, sweetness, comfort, the arts and sensory stimulation. Venus is not a wholly benefic planet however. The shadow of Venus can lead to extremism, deception, sexism and water imbalances. Venus becomes like those with whom she spends time. If she spends time with high-vibing, compassionate planets who are giving good aspects, living in good houses, she is supported, expanded and the experience evolves her. If she spends time with a more shadowy crowd, with shadowy aspects, in shadowy places, her positive qualities are brought down, compromised, and the shadow takes over.

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Kara LooneyComment
Life Changing Benefits of Cold Showers

Each morning, my mind tries to justify why I shouldn’t step into the cold shower today. It’s uncomfortable to consider leaving the cozy warmth of my bed to step into shocking cold water. I remind myself it is more of a discomfort of the mind than it is an actual assault to my body. In fact, it is medicine to my body, mind, and spirit. What better way to start the day than by overriding the ego’s desire to avoid discomfort? The experience of a cold shower sets my perspective to much more easily rise above and move through the discomfort that may arise throughout the day.

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Kara LooneyComment
My Kundalini Awakening

As human beings we are hardwired for the potential of a kundalini awakening. Just as our legs are designed and predisposed to walking, our nervous systems are designed for and predisposed to the awakening of higher consciousness. A kundalini awakening is in essence, an evolution of energy and consciousness coming to experience and identify itself more intimately within our being.

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3 Key Steps to Enhancing Your Kundalini Yoga Experience

In Zen Buddhism there is a term called Shoshin, which translates to “The Beginner's Mind”. This is the first of the three qualities to bring with you to class. To operate with a beginner’s mind means to see and experience phenomena as if it is being seen and experienced for the first time, with acceptance and curiosity, unadulterated by past experience, expectation, preference, resistance, or fear. To approach life in this manner allows us to derive all the nutritional and educational benefits from an experience without the baggage of past experience, or future projection.

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Kara LooneyComment