The Vibe of 2022


How better to prepare for 2022 than to understand the vibrational frequency of it’s intentions for us? If we examine the expressive symbology that crystals, totem animals, Tantric Numerology and Vedic Astrology provide for us, we can get strong symbolic understanding of what 2022 will be presenting to us and how best to respond in resonance to/with it.


Tantric Numerology dictates that 2022 is a year of 6, which is reflective of growth, vitality, strength, hope and well being. The number 6 aligns with the planet Venus (Sukra). The archetype of Venus focuses on the element of water, the womb of new life, sexuality, beauty, sweetness, comfort, the arts and sensory stimulation. Venus is not a wholly benefic planet however. The shadow of Venus can lead to extremism, deception, sexism and water imbalances. Venus becomes like those with whom she spends time. If she spends time with high-vibing, compassionate planets who are giving good aspects, living in good houses, she is supported, expanded. and the experience evolves her. If she spends time with a more shadowy crowd, with shadowy aspects, in shadowy places, her positive qualities are brought down, compromised, and the shadow takes over.

All of this potential exists for our education, purpose and evolution, don’t forget! The Vedas remind us that the Grahas (planets) are that which from our karmas arise for the purpose of evolving to reach ultimate understanding. We start this year with Venus retrograde until the end of January. When Venus is in retrograde, she is bringing up from the past that which requires resolution: old loves, incomplete creative endeavors, outdated emotional, or mental patterns, She does not tell us how to resolve it, that approach sits in your current state of awareness, but she does provide us with opportunities and invitations to bring things to completion in the first month of the New Year. Maintaining a practice that assists you in upholding spiritual balance, peace of mind, health and strong immunity in the new year will be that which keeps you in highest alignment and ready for Venus’ lessons when she delivers them. Incorporating the 108 mala meditation practice of the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for 2022 is a good way to keep Venus on your good side to lift health, immunity, blessings and to support prosperity.


It is said that Aquamarine governs the energy of 2022. This stone inspires happiness, harmony, peace of mind and also has an association with the element of water. After the challenges and restrictions of last year, 2022 is asking us to reflect on self care, relax, bring balance, joy and harmony to our new experience of reality. To let things flow and behave like water in the way we respond to our surrounding environment. This beautiful stone supports us in returning back to our center after stressful times and release the governance of polarities. Perhaps consider a 108 bead mala made of Aquamarine to support your 2022 Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Sadhana.


In February, the Chinese New Year introduces the year of the “Yang Water Tiger”. Again, this connection to the element of water is strong. In Chinese Mythology, the tiger is associated with earth, power, thunder, or motion of matter. Connecting the two creates the symbol of motion, or vibration within water, or water responding to the movement of earth. This brings me to a visualization to the science of Cymatics, the study of sound vibrations moving within matter and Seismology. As such maybe it would be a great year to spend more time vibrating mantras, experience sound healing, reading Hidden Messages in Water, by Dr. Massuro Emoto, and/or observing and being aware of seismic phenomena.


To tie this all together, the symbology water element is undeniable for 2022. Water will serving as a teacher for us. “What Would Water Do (WWWD)” is our motto this year. Recognizing that water easily takes on the vibrational frequency of its environment helping us understand that we become a vibrational bi-product of the environment we choose to spend time in. This is not just the space we keep, but also the information received by our senses, the vibration of the company we keep, the thoughts we have, the words we say and the actions we perform. A recognition that our entire multidimensional body of vibration (body, mind, spirit) is impacting our experience of life, individually and collectively - and water plays a large role in establishing balance in this context. We will likely have the freedom to indulge in more creature comforts this year, travel, start relationships, success and prosperity. Maintaining a balance of your ups and downs/cravings and resistances in healthy, sustainable, life affirming ways is key to making the best of the opportunities being presented to us this year.

If you are interested in receiving a Vedic Astrology Reading from me, please email me to set up a reading. I will need to know your birth day, birth city and birth time.

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