Purifying the Mind

Through Meditation and Mantra we purify the mind to reveal a more clear and true reality.

There are many deceptions born in the mind as a result of ignorance, trauma, programming and fear. Expanding the awareness through yogic technology, which cultivates self understanding, helps us gain wisdom as it pertains to the true role the mind is intended to play. The mind offers practical and creative support for following divine guidance. It is a servant to the consciousness, not a task master of the desire systems.

Purifying the mind is not about getting rid of “bad” thoughts, it’s more about breaking down the habit of shame that causes us to believe there is something “bad” in the first place. This is the illusion that is imposed by duality - “This is good, this is bad”. It offers a framework to navigate the material world. Let’s call it a “Worldview’, because it is shared collectively among us. We forget often that it is a limited framework because it is so consistent among us all. It is not reflective of the true expanding reality. On a level that transcends the mind, everything is all a manifestation of GOD, or universal consciousness. From that elevated perspective we can choose to see everything as a gateway to deeper understanding and opportunity for spiritual education. From that space we can begin to avail ourselves more trustingly into surrendering into the flow of natural order.

As we continue to practice yogic technology the deceptions of the mind begin and continue to dismantle, revealing a more true, authentic, content and grateful self radiance and an availability of faith to lean in.

Kara LooneyComment