Dear Yoga Club family, 40 Day Meditation family and friends,

I'm writing this message to reach out to you collectively as a "group in consciousness". Many of you are sad, angry, confused, disillusioned, and afraid with regard to the recent Supreme Court Rulings. As you know, politics is certainly not my area of interest, or focus. My area of interest resides in the domain of consciousness, which supersedes politics in its grandiosity, respectability, holism and truth. With a love and respect for consciousness comes the belief in a Divine Right to Life, Liberty (which is founded by agency) and the Pursuit of Happiness. And so I write to you today not as a politically identifying individual, I come to you as a sister and daughter in consciousness.

This recent Supreme Court ruling is not only an issue that affects girls and women, it affects men too - as partners, father's, brother's uncles and sons. It affects human beings. When a person's rights to make independent decisions on their own behalf have been revoked, it is a tragedy and it is unconstitutional. All human beings should have, without question the right of free will that is granted by divine grace of consciousness, regardless of their values, their needs based on circumstance and their sex.

I will be focusing attention in Sunday's Vinyasa Flow Monday's Kundalini Yoga Club classes toward reclaiming emotional balance, sitting with our sadness, trusting in a higher power and making positive use of this unsettling energy in our bodies, minds and spirits. I encourage you to come to class if you feel the need to express, feel and find a way to remain open to resolution. If you can’t make it live, the classes will be placed in the yoga Club library soon after.

Sunday's Flow class will be supported by mantras for (and to) the Divine Feminine. Honoring the Divine form of the Feminine in this time connects us to that vibration within ourselves that can remain empowered in a deeper knowing and have wisdom to overcome.

Monday's Kundalini Yoga class I will have a Dharma talk to explore some of the practical, spiritual and astrological components to the realities of current circumstances and we will practice a kriya to move though some of this dense, heavy energy impacting our lower chakras and the heart.

If you are not registered to participate in either of these classes by membership, feel free to drop-in to class.

With Love,

Kara L.

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